Nice job... I have one of these in the works also. I am planning on doing one from TF 3-15, as I got several pictures of the 3-15 Mortar Platoon firing at OBJ Curley from CSM(R) Gallagher.
It sounds like our recipes are similar, if not the same. I used the Academy A2 hull, narrowed Academy roadwheels, Fruli tracks, and the MR conversion. Instead of using their resin fuel cells, I scratched mine using the MR ones as a template. The interior is complete but I am waiting on a certain modeler with CAD skills, that we know, to finish the drawing of the roof so I can get one laser cut and I will add the details vice using the one from the M106 kit. clean one laser cut.
One Q for you, do you have references that show the POMCUS/TF 1-64's mortars having a sand vice a Army green interior?? If so, can you share it as I might have to do a repaint.
Again, nice build
John Charvat
"Hey baby, I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes them work" Oddball
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