Thanks for the encouragement, it's always good to hear.
Alpha - the walls of the building are plaster. Woodland scenics Hydorcal, easy stuff to work with. Just add water, stir and pour. Wait 12 - 24 hours and start forming. Be prepared for a lot of dust when sanding though. The stuff comes in 1/2 gallon container for $8.50 USD. Lasts for quite a while depending on the project(s). This is what I used in my Cold Stare project and for my wall in The Fall (see my gallery).
The half track is going to be the dark yellow base coat with multi color scheme over the top (right now I don't have my research in front of me).
Any photo references you have would be Awsome! Either a link or a book reference, I'll take whatever.
WeWillHold - the street sections are nice. I recently did a review of them (here Flexible latex makes the layout phase very easy. Take a look at the photos and you can see where I have folded the front edge of the street over the edge of the base. This makes it easy to 'play with' the layout and not 'commit' to any particular one until you're sure you like it. It cut easily and accepts paints, washes and pastels very well. In my diorama I have two Kencali pieces, the main piece is the Town Corner (the piece of the left). The side walk on the right (near the garden wall) is the second piece. It comes preformed in a latex sheet(s). The preform depends on which sheet you get. But all the bricks and or sidewalks are premolded. It is the dark gray color you see. You just have to cut it to shape add backing to raise the sidewalk (cardboard) and paint it if you want to. I have painted other pieces and it goes well. It's Good stuff to work with.
Thanks again guys.