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Fantastic work on your abrams !
I like your weathering, can you explain how you did it ?
Cheers !
Thanks Tom,
For the weathering I laid down the base coat of tan followed with a coat of Future.
Decals and another overcoat of Future.
Then I pinwashed with raw umber oils (95-5 mix) on the weld beads and pinwashed with India Ink mixed with thinner (again about 95-5).
The wheels and tracks got pigments and drybrushed with silver.
Then I used some raw umber and brown oil paints and did the dot method streaking the paints down the verticals with mineral spirits and a wide brush, careful not to pool the thinner on the bottom edges, you want the streaking vertical effect.
I also did some minor chipping with black and some with the base colour topped with a darker one such as brown.
I also used some AK interactive streaking grime for oil stains and darker streaks.
Finally I dusted the model with Tamiya Buff with my air brush.