I can only speculate, that more of the Tamiya kits parts are too be used also, ie; Lights etc, ! And I don't think that TBS would not be willing too Add other Items. This is only the First real Advertisement for the BREM-1, from a Personal stand-point I have been waiting for more ARVs. And altho the Panzer Shop kit was nice, it was just a little beyond my Price Range. My only Hope is that they are Watching more closely there Quality Control in order too Avoid Problems with the Consumer, and are Willing too Correct or Replace Items that are either Broke or are Missing altogether. And I Still Say; Thanks TBS !!
MINIARM; It Seems too ME, that you MITE be A LITTLE Invious. And You Also Need Too Improve Your Quality Control !!!!!! The T-90 Turret that I Purchased was NOT ALL THERE EITHER !!!!