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Just got the Hobby Fan guntruck conversion
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Ohio, United States
Joined: March 02, 2002
KitMaker: 335 posts
Armorama: 0 posts
Posted: Friday, June 07, 2002 - 01:15 AM UTC
I finally got one of the Hobby Fan guntruck conversions in the mail today. Over all it looks OK but i was kind disapointed that it didnt come with any accessories, Water cooler, food cooler or any ammo cans for the M-60's. There are a lot of decals to build, "The Gamblers"
"Assassains" and one more i cant remember the name of it. Other than that its a pretty cool conversion. You need to get the AFV Club M35A1 Quad 50 guntruck for this conversion, because the Hobby Fan conversion does not come with any armor doors, plus the Quad 50 comes with a bunch of 30cal. ammo cans, and some 50cal ones.
