Quoted Text
CURRENT STATUS: Program Budget Decision (PBD 745), issued by the Office of Secretary of Defense on 27 Dec 99, diverted funding in Fiscal Year 2001 and beyond from the GRIZZLY program to other initiatives. Fiscal pressures, due to changing priorities necessitated by the Army transformation, drove this decision.
The current GRIZZLY Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract is scheduled to end on 15 Feb 02. The contractor is directed to continue development of the vehicle to gain as much capability as can be achieved by 15 Feb 02. Upon acceptance of the two prototypes, the government will store and maintain the vehicles at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD for two years and then put them into long term storage for an additional three years. At the end of the five-year period, the vehicles will then be relocated to the USAES Museum and the US Ordnance Center Museum.
Any thoughts On a "New" Recovery / Engineering Vehicle Based on the M1 Chassis?
This is more of a Survey kind of thing. I'd love to see something like: