You've seen the PE and AM manufacturers that post models that only show their wares. The brass, steel, resin et al...along with the kit's virgin plastic. No paint. Only styrene and the Goodies.
I'd like to propose a Campaign where there is no paint, no weathering, no pigments, no oils, no NOTHING but the kit with some AM. (only allowable exclusion to this would be putty in one form or another).
A "Virgin" build?
Something like this:

Going to throw a loopie to this: Kit needs to be fully built. Sub-assemblies are fine as long as they don't look like subs.
Thoughts? Time frame? When ever the Kitmaker folks think is good. Length of build? 6 months (ain't no paint and weathering needed!). Pure honest build with nothing to cover it up.

p.s. Yes, that's mine from years ago...