Hi Mike its nice to see progress!!! I like the floor making and would like to hear a lil more about it. I also wanted to say that the sandbags are made very nicely though i thing the seem all very similiar and tide and fluffy, while in a war condition they must have suffered from hand to hand and be more sagy .But if you tried to make them all the same you ve done it remarkably well!!! as for their weathering the picture cannot show it very well (maybe is my eyes) and they tend to look a lil glossy. Maybe in a nother photshoot they look better and show the work you have done. Further more , with the debris and other stuff i bet you ll add, i d try to "break" the square shape of the plan so it wouldnt look very normal and tide and ordered.
Hope i gave a lil help, and i am looking forward your next pictures with progress. AAhhh the AA gun is nice also