Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Monday, March 24, 2014 - 10:12 PM UTC
Fortunately there are more and more modern MBT kits on the market. I tried to capture the available options of barrel replacement. I am more a fan of the modern MBTs, not an expert.
Considering the price of the replacement barrels, would be nice sharing some experience with them.
Correze, France
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 02:43 AM UTC
Thanks for you sharing your experience with those barrels. It would be nice and certainly useful for a lot of modelers if you turned this into a feature with pictures of the actual guns and their 1/35 scale representation.
Not all of us (me included) are really acquainted with the visible differences bewteen the various versions of the 2A46 gun.
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Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 02:54 AM UTC
Ex-34th ID MNANG - 13F and 63D
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Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 05:29 AM UTC
Hi Oliver,
Thank you for the feedback.
I am not knowledgeable enough /not having reference materials either/ to compare 1/35 barrels with the real thing.
I can make quick comparison of the kits and aftermarket barrels I have on hand.
Meng T-90A and VBS0174.

VBS0174 offering 2 options for assembly, with or without the thermal jacket. Barrel length seems to be identical, the muzzle break is nicer on the Voyager upgrade
As far as I know the visible difference of the 2A46M versions are the muzzle break, and thermal jacket.
Muzzle break of the T-90A
Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 06:36 AM UTC
the next one is Xact T-80U and VBS0178, both shall replicate 2A46M-1. Meng's T-90A gun is on the pic as a reference. Theoretically barrel length is constant across the 2A46M family /6000mm/.
VBS0178 upgrade does not have thermal jacket as PE part included.
Xact T-80U barrel is different vs VBS0178 in terms of length, and segment sizes.
Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 08:35 AM UTC
T-80U caparison #2
I could find a T-80UD drawing only to compare with /engine shall be the difference only vs T-80U/
Lenght: Xact barrel is closer to the reference
Segments: Voyager barrel is closer to the reference
None of them perfect
Meng`s T-90A: the kit barrel is accurate enough, upgrade is nice to have only.
Xact T-80U: need advice of some experts here. There is no clear winner of my quick comparison.
As soon as the VBS0181 available I will compare it to Trumpeter T-72B as well.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 01:31 PM UTC
Hi Everybody;
JD has done a example of the different AM Barrels and is also a good guide too follow, the other AM that should be considered is Model Point as they give you different options also. The RB Item that seems Popular for some reason is not accurate, IMHO the kits Barrel in most cases are just fine unless you want too model it without the Thermo Sleeve.
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 07:14 PM UTC
Regarding the VBS0178 comparison with the plans, how did you line up the right side of the barrel? Looking at the plans, perhaps it should be moved right a few mm to line up with that line above it which would make it match the plans quite well. But, since the Xact stock barrel seems to be shorter, I guess you'd have to deepen the stock gun shroud part to make it fit the aftermarket barrel properly.
IIRC, the reviews pointed out that the Xact barrel is messed up.
Also, can you please comment on the thickness of the Meng and aftermarket barrels? The photos are confusing due to shadows so it appears that the Meng barrel is somewhat larger than the aftermarket one (e.g. the thermal sleeve). I assume they're the same since you didn't make any mention, but just checking. Thanks

Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 07:28 PM UTC
ModelPoint, RB, Tetra barrels added based on item descriptions found on the web.
RB barrels description indicating L48 caliber length. This might be the reason why 35B128 disappeared from their site.
Tetra barrel marked as generic 2A46M barrel, tough muzzle break is like 2AM46-5 version.
Please fell free highlighting any inaccuracy, I will update the table accordingly
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 - 02:10 AM UTC
Thank you! They should make this a sticky post. Now all we need is a chart explaining what all the letters mean at the end of the tank T-80BV, T-72AV, etc
Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 - 03:33 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Thank you! They should make this a sticky post. Now all we need is a chart explaining what all the letters mean at the end of the tank T-80BV, T-72AV, etc
One of your wishes is granted.
Ex-34th ID MNANG - 13F and 63D
"Fire For Effect."
Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 - 05:04 AM UTC
Common items in MBT designation? Might be heavily simplified, but I would group them like this
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 28, 2014 - 08:29 AM UTC
Thanks you. I should have wished for a billion dollars, but this is nice.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 03:12 PM UTC
Another AM company has entered the arena with a 2A46, North Star from the RU. This Barrel is interesting in that its made in Four mediums, turned metal, resin and Plastic and PE.
The Construction is a bit strange in that the Thermo Sleeve is PE and you have too Wrap it around the Barrel and try too secure it in-place.

When put together the Barrel looks impressive, they did not have a distributor for there product in there advertisement.
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Posted: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 10:11 PM UTC
As long as there are humans there are problems. No humans no problems!
Moscow, Russia
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 06:37 PM UTC
Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 07:52 PM UTC
Magic Model is a new player
2A46 barrel

2A46M -1 -2 /no thermal cover

2A46M -1 -2

2A46M -5
United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 08:21 PM UTC
73mm looks nice and it's been pretty hard to find decent turned examples of those for a while.
Alabama, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - 01:38 AM UTC
Has anyone ordered from Magic Models to the US? Their T-80U barrel does look extremely nice.
Alabama, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2014 - 01:34 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Has anyone ordered from Magic Models to the US? Their T-80U barrel does look extremely nice.
Just as an update, I ended up ordering one for the T-80U from HobbyEasy. I'll review it for Armorama when it comes in.
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2014 - 04:11 AM UTC
I've ordered from Magicmodels to the UK with no problems.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, November 01, 2014 - 02:33 PM UTC
The 2A26 without thermal jacket from magic model that stated used on t72 ural
Does anyone has a reference pic of it? I can only find picture of the ural with thermal jacket
Thanks in advance!
On the Workbench (On Hold)
Canadian Centurion Mk11LR
T-72 Ural
Budapest, Hungary
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Posted: Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 12:49 AM UTC
Hi Vincent having some T-72 Ural pics. 
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 02, 2015 - 06:26 PM UTC
Just as an FYI for the guys using the Magic Model 125mm barrels with the Trumpeter T-64/72/80/90 series tanks...make sure you reinforce the rubberized plastic mantlet with some magic sculpt or some other modeling clay/putty because their brass barrels have considerably more heft to them then an aluminum barrel from Voyager does. You'll also need to drill out a slightly larger hole in the cover so the barrel fits.
I found this out the hard way with my T-64BV has a slight droop in the barrel because of the weight. Making the mantlet cover solid by adding putting/clay to it should take care of that problem.