Thanks fellas, nice to have the watchful eyes of the masters looking down upon my feeble workbench. Really starting to look like Frankenstein's lab now

I've done some work on continuing the folds and consistencies to the tunics, but once I prime them I'll be able to see exactly where I gotta focus things.
But like all great geniuses (or is that teenagers?) I am a procrastinator of sorts. I've been sanding and filing away at the resin StuG III driver's compartment from CMK. I hate it. The kit is great, but I can't stand the big chunks of resin that I gotta waste so much time sanding and cutting away at. But it should work out, even though even less of it will be visible than I had thought
But in between fits of rage, swearing and dry-fitting, I've started chugging away at 3 other figures. Again, the 3 will be "interlocked" so to speak, but not quite as much.
The NCO;
I wanted him to have a stern, almost Clint Eastwood-like appearance, keeping a cool head when the world is coming apart. He'll be 1 of 2 grenadiers calming down a hysterical schutze, a replacement, to put it simply. I want him to appear to be saying something like "For God's sake kid, you'll get your head taken off if you keep that up." I want the guy to appear relax, as opposed to...
They'll be sort of like the ying and yang of the trio. I snapped a pic of the soldiers' gear on the both of them to try and convey their "sit." Like the ammo pouches, bayonet, etc. Jerry, in one of those build logs of yours, or in a comment on one of mine you made a point of mentioning the "sit" of the individual gear. Ever since then I've made a point of checking that and photographing it
And finally, Frankenstein.
I bought the Gen2 mine sweepers set to mainly raid for the high quality bits and the great personal gear in them. And according to that pretext, I took this figure:
And stole his legs and bottom of his tunic. I clipped the legs around the knees and re-positioned them a bit. After letting them sit to really firm up over the weekend, I got a jump on the torso:
The Gen2 bottom worked great for getting the hang of the end of the tunic. I'll have to filled the gaps with putty, but that's on the lower end of my worriers. I think...
After that was finished, I carved out the inside of the collar on the torso for the placement of the Hornet head.
After taking that picture I did more carving and work on the head's neck to make him looking up.
The head isn't my first choice, but I think it'll do? Impulsively, I added his grenade and ammo pouches as well:
And lastly, a rough mock up of the positioning of the 3 amigos:
The center figure will be trying to get to the other 3 figures from earlier, jumping up from his cover, while the other 2 try to restrain him. My big headache here will probably be the arms. I really want to try the AM Y-straps on the center figure, having the cool-headed NCO grabbing them, but that might be too ambitious for me. We'll see.
Until next time