I read online that Tamiya Acrylics are bad for brush painting. Unfortunately, I've already bought all the colours I need to paint my tank/figures, and it's kind of too late/expensive to go back now. I have the Tamiya Thinner, which I read has some retardant in it. I'm guessing that even when brush painting, it's probably advisable to thin the paints? I think I'm going to try a 1:1 ratio and several coats, but if there's a better method I'm open to it.
In addition, I've read a lot about priming your models before starting. Is this really necessary? I read that washing your models in Windex will work too, and I'd kind of rather do this, since the only primer for plastic I have kicking around is this:
I'm not sure if that will work for the figures, but I'd rather not completely destroy them with an unsuitable primer.
A lot of questions I know, but any help would be appreciated, as I'm really nervous to start painting.