i am building mostly Figures but also have some armour vehicles in stash. I want to use the following Products for weathering my Vehicles and to try out some Filters.
For Australian / US M113, V100 etc:
For painting i use LifeColor U.S. Olive Drab set which is very nice.
For weathering, washes and Filter
AK-Interactive Nato Vehicles Weathering Set
MIG Productions Filter: Grey for brigth green + Filter: Grey for dark yellow
Are these OK or did you have some other tipps and products. I have read a lot about this and now i am confused what to use and buy because some use Enamels, some use oils etc. Also i want to use some of the great washes, effects and Pigments aviable from MIG and AK.
Can i use also Filters for fading Uniforms and dull down the colors of an ERDL camo pattern?
Many thanks for any help and tipp.