I want to put a single operator figure, rather in static pose, next to this model. Uniforms, personal gear - this is totally magic for me, so I need a little help from You. What should I choose? Vehicle will be dated on 2007-2010 period.
I've found these figures:
Legend - LF0135 - US ODA Warrant Officer

Legend - LF0134 - US ODA Weapons Sergeant

Legend - LF0139 - Commo Geek, SF Com. Sgt.

Evolution Miniatures - EM-35046 - US Special Forces Operator (1), Afghanistan 2001-2003

Airborne Miniatures - 3502 - U.S.NAVY SEAL/SF
Airborne Miniatures - 3517 - U.S.Army N.C.O. Afghanistan

Which one will be the best choice? Or maybe should I consider something else?
The other question - I was thinking about paitning an uniform in multicam - would it be right? Would it determine a figure choice?