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I have had similar issue, with a bit of white cloudiness after using Micro Sol, I have found that when dry another coat of future seems to make it vanish.
Same here. Occasionally, I get a bit of cloudiness around the decals after applying Micro Sol, but then after drying, it goes away.
I have noticed that this happens more frequently if I don't allow the Future to dry overnight, so now, I plan my decaling in three stages - Apply Future and allow it to dry overnight; apply the decals using whatever setting and solvents are required (Micro Sol, Testor's Decal solutions, etc) and allow them to dry overnight; finally seal the decals with a topcoat of Future and allow that to dry overnight. After the second layer of Future is hard dry, I apply Testors Dull Coat and the decals look perfectly blended in.
I have noticed that some of the more "aggressive" decal solvents can actually soften the Future and allow a brush to lift the Future layer, so once I get the decals in position, I allow each application of decal solvent to surface dry before applying another if the decals have not conformed to the surface details. I'll do this on the same day that I apply the decals, though.
Note that there is a difference between Micro Set and Micro Sol (or Testor's Decal Setting and Decal Solvent Solutions). The setting solutions are for getting the decal into position, and on some decals that's all that's needed. The decals will conform to the surface with nothing else. The decal solvents are for more aggressively softening the decal films so that they will conform to the surface.
I try to use the LEAST aggressive solution possible and only use the solvents (starting with Micro Sol) when they're needed. If the decal doesn't conform after the Micro Set has surface dried, then I'll apply a drop of Micro Sol over it and wait to see how it works. If it's working, but the decal hasn't completely conformed, then I'll apply another drop. If, however, the Micro Sol is not having the desired effect, then I'll try the Testor's Decal Solvent Solution, and so on.
Finally, before I spray on the second, sealing-blending coat of Future, I use a cotton swab and water to wipe away any residue from the decal glues or solutions around the dried decals. Usually by the time I've done this and prepped my airbrush with the Future, this little bit of water has dried away.
This works for me. Takes a little extra time, but then I think the results are worth it.