Regretfully, I don't think this will make it to Armorcon. Not going to rush it. I've done what you guys suggested for rubble, i.e. building it over architectural structures. I just used little wooden blocks to build over. A good chunk of my rubble will be floor sections built from balsa wood, which you can see in the picture. This will help me avoid the tricky spots. Do pardon the mess, as I haven't laid down a coat of primer yet. The brownish debris is just the mix I used to glue down the debris. No real proportions to it, I think it was maybe a tablespoon or more of Elmer's glue, 1/3 cup of water, and a table spoon(ish) of paint.
The small debris was from dried plaster in the solo cups I use to mix with. On top of that I put a half inch of plater into a tupperware cup, let it dry, then broke it up for use in this, towards the bottom of the piles. I know the smaller debris right not doesn't "fit" with the structures, but it's only the beginning, and by the time it's finished, it'll blend perfectly. Well, I hope so at least.
Onto the figures, which are mostly done, save for the very last detail work, and weathering. I love the little Alliance decals. Very delicate, impossible to read with the naked eye, but cool as hell.
That rifle isn't as low as it looks. Appears to be stuck into the ground, I know, but the angle of the camera tricks the eye, and the figure will be standing at a bit of an angle on top of that.
And finally, my favorite. The marsh swamp pattern isn't as great as I wanted, but for a first try, it'll do.
His face seems a bit pudgy, but I can live with that. The boots need their final highlights and shading, then the mesh helmet needs to be painted. I learned from older figures that constantly handling them once painted leads to chipping, so I've started leaving small areas unpainted until the last possible moment.
So! That's it for now. Thanks for looking!
Edit: There's a big ugly seam line in the MP40 guy's right hand. Terrific.