So it starts out like a Lego, but builds up into a reasonably realistic model? That seems like exactly what is needed to motivate younger people to take up the hobby. The original snap-together kits had a similar strategy; they were marketed to people who just wanted to build a reasonably detailed kit, without need of glue, craft skills,etc. Some of those people stuck with it and became die-hard modelers.I've seen and assembled many of the popular Lego, PlayMobil, etc. kits, and they are almost as complicated as any modern model kit. No glue, no PE, I know, but still pretty intense. When they're done, the result is a blocky, ziggurat structure with squashed, dwarven figures that kind of looks like the house, plane, ship from the movie, TV show, comic, but not really. I'm sure there are many kids who want more realism, but all they see are those crude block kits from the aforementioned companies. If done well,this could bridge the gap from block kits to scale modeling.