One of those long-hinted-at (maybe even promised) grails!
Ref the Dragon StuG III ausf E.... I think we are all thinking a "new-tool" E - that CH orange box E is the quite elderly Dragon E kit 9106 re-boxed with some figures and a set of MagicTracks. We are hoping for a new-tool E along the lines of Dragon's new-tool F/8 in a couple of versions, with up-to-date hull and fenders, wheels, details, and maybe the interior at least to the extent D has provided for its F/8 and G StuG III kits.
That CH orange E builds up OK (I have one about 90% done...) - it looks pretty much like a III-E - but really wants a lot of AM and upgrades to get nearer to modern StuG III kits (and builds) standards. I replaced all wheels with new items, metal barrel, lots of scratch details, added welds, etc., really should have added metal or even newer-model styrene fenders (but budget and resource limits got in the way of that), and I still need to button it all up as there is no interior stuff to see.
PS: That IV with the scabbed-on 5cm PaK 38 .... some sort of rear-area shop "horror"! Now THAT would certainly be an interesting "one-off" for CH to kit up! Bet that one could sell pretty well!