Sorry - didn't mean to offend you. I'm not saying that you were lying but rather, that your source's info seems a little suspicious to me. I suppose that giving the benefit of the doubt, there are 3 possibilities:
1) He served in two different units (5th SS then a heavy tank battalion) at different times - the heavy tank detachments were considered elite units so they drew many of their personnel from experienced members of other panzer units.
2) As you mentioned above, he served in a heavy tank battalion in support of 5th SS for a particular operation or period of time.
3) Either he misstated his experience or you misunderstood him, due to language difficulties.
I suppose a 4th possibility would be that he was confused, didn't remember correctly or suffered brain damage as the result of a an injury that could cause either of these possibilities. This would seem unlikely if he was a young guy and didn't have difficulties communicating.
If none of these explanations were correct then I am afraid that my original charge - that he was a liar and misrepresented his wartime experience (if he even served during the war) was accurate. However, at this time, we will never know.