Good day all.
I haven't been around here for quite a while, but all the latest Russian/Soviet releases in plastic have drawn me in. My latest acquisition is the new HB SS-23 Spider. What a lovely kit!! If any of you want sprue shots, just ask.
I am writing this post to ask a simple question that only Cold War Soviet Armour guys could really answer.
I have noticed that a lot of Chinese kit manufacturers are depicting black running gear/ chassis/ wheels on the box front, yet show the colour painting charts as camo colours on these parts.
So, did the Soviets specify black paint on the running gear or not? I'm currently building a Roden Kraz214 and that's the opposite. The box art looks like it's green on the wheels, yet the side of the box art shows black wheels?
Thanks for any info offered.
Яusso-Soviэt Forum: Cold War Soviet Armor
For discussions related to cold war era Russo-Soviet armor.
For discussions related to cold war era Russo-Soviet armor.
Hosted by Jacques Duquette
Basic colour schemes.


Joined: January 13, 2012
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Posted: Friday, November 14, 2014 - 12:51 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, November 14, 2014 - 07:20 AM UTC
Hi Nigel;
If you try and Research A vehicle its quite Hard too find A Standard or Norm System, with Wheeled Vehicles you will find Solid One Color Scemes and Camo, on another ! So its Really up too You the Modeler on which type that You like the Best.
Naturally A Camouflage System is going too Appeal too you the Most, but can be Challenging to copy. I think that if you are not going too do A Specific Vehicle, then you could Follow one of the Guidelines called out for in the Manual or Depict A Vehicle that you can find References on. Pictures or Walk Arounds are always the Best, but can be Hard to Source.
If you try and Research A vehicle its quite Hard too find A Standard or Norm System, with Wheeled Vehicles you will find Solid One Color Scemes and Camo, on another ! So its Really up too You the Modeler on which type that You like the Best.



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Posted: Friday, November 14, 2014 - 04:21 PM UTC
Thanks for your reply Mike.
As you say, walkarounds aren't that easy to find for some vehicles, and then when you do find them you can never be sure the colours chosen by "whoever painted it" are correct? All the walkarounds I've found for the SS-23, (BAZ 6944) have totally green paintwork.
So, it would appear that artistic license is called for then??
As you say, walkarounds aren't that easy to find for some vehicles, and then when you do find them you can never be sure the colours chosen by "whoever painted it" are correct? All the walkarounds I've found for the SS-23, (BAZ 6944) have totally green paintwork.
So, it would appear that artistic license is called for then??


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Posted: Friday, November 14, 2014 - 09:37 PM UTC
Hi Nigel;
As you say Artistic License is called for, is that not what we do in the First Place.
Have you Looked at the New Color range by Mig ? There Modern set of Soviet colors are quite nice and mite suit your needs.
As you say Artistic License is called for, is that not what we do in the First Place.



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Posted: Friday, November 14, 2014 - 10:46 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Hello from Russia, Nigel !I have noticed that a lot of Chinese kit manufacturers are depicting black running gear/chassis/wheels on the box front, yet show the colour painting charts as camo colours on these parts.
So, did the Soviets specify black paint on the running gear or not? I'm currently building a Roden Kraz214 and that's the opposite. The box art looks like it's green on the wheels, yet the side of the box art shows black wheels?
All those things are much simpler.
1) Basic color of chassis, running gear, wheels for all transport vehicles is black.
2) If military vehicle have it's appearance like usual ordinary truck (2- and 3-axle), and it have not any camouflage - only green colour, it's chassis, running gear, wheels are black.
If such vehicle have any camouflage, the colour of wheels depends on the chosen camouflage scheme - they could to be black in this scheme, or have one of colours of this camouflage scheme. Sometimes each wheel could to have it's own colour in such cases.
3) If the vehicle have non-ordinary appearance - like MAZ-537, KZKT-7428, BAZ-135, BAZ-6944, any multi-wheel vehicles like ones for SS-25 Sickle ("Topol") missiles, etc. - the colours of their running gear depends on visibility of those parts/units from outside. If those parts/units are visible very well and they have big sizes, they could to be painted in green colour or in camouflage colour. If those parts are visible not so much or have not so large sizes, they could to be remained in black colour.
In many cases such vehicles have not frames like those, which have ordinary trucks (and SS-23 is exact such vehicle) - so, the question about frame colour disappears itself.
As to cases of camouflage schemes for such non-ordinary vehicles, and their wheels - see the text under #2) about camouflage schemes of ordinary trucks.

- here each wheel of MAZ have it's own colour due to specific camouflage scheme. But frame is black.

- and what colour is this ? Even this rusty MAZ have remains of black paint on it's parts.

- this MAZ have red wheels - but this is fireguard vehicle ! It's frame and running gear are black.
4) If any vehicle was overhauled during it's service - in this case is hard to say about colours after overhaul. They could to be remained like previous colours, or some parts (wheels mainly) could to be repainted in green or camouflage colour (in last case - if whole vehicle was camouflaged after overhaul). It depends on each particular repair plant, or workshop, or army unit. Even the presence or absence of any specific paint in particular army storage could to affect change of parts colour.
And only in very rare cases the frame, and/or running gear, and/or wheels could to be painted in green or some other colour - but it is very rare, I repeat.
When I was senior schoolboy in the end of the Eighties, I have worked for some weeks on plant, which produced MAZ-537 heavy trucks. I distinctly remember, their frames and wheels were semi-gloss black painted; the same were the running gears. Besides, some parts/units in engine compartments of these trucks were also semi-gloss black - for example, the cooling fans housings. This colour is widely used in our automotive industry - especially for civil and military trucks and special vehicles.
And here is good walkaround (169 images) of real, not-repainted SS-23 vehicle - this vehicle was taken to museum directly from military unit. You will see all colours You interested:


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Posted: Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 01:41 AM UTC
I cannot thank you enough for this post Eduard. You have basically put all my questions to bed there.
That first picture of the 537 is lovely.. thank you for posting.
Now you have said this I think my current Kraz build may have a mixture, like it has been in for a deep overhaul and a couple of previously painted green wheels slipped through..??
Thanks again
That first picture of the 537 is lovely.. thank you for posting.
Now you have said this I think my current Kraz build may have a mixture, like it has been in for a deep overhaul and a couple of previously painted green wheels slipped through..??
Thanks again


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Posted: Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 10:16 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Well, it is Your wish - and why not ? You could to explain Your KrAZ model painting as "The truck was overhauled, but it's painting remained as one before overhaul, because of painting - as a whole - was considered good enough by unit commander".Now you have said this I think my current Kraz build may have a mixture, like it has been in for a deep overhaul and a couple of previously painted green wheels slipped through..??
Only one important detail here - let both green wheels will be mounted on ONE AXLE on Your model. Some logic is in this way, because of possible answer will be like: "One of axles with wheels was taken from other truck for replacement of broken axle on this truck".
And second important detail - this Your KrAZ must be used in some army unit in second defence line or in army rear, because of all vehicles in forward army units must be painted very well, and strictly in one pattern: all Generals of all armies like bright, well-painted vehicles - even for parades. And Your truck will be simple "work-horse"; it does not need a great, luxury painting...
And in reality some vehicles even after overhaul looks like vehicle below - note it's shabby cargo bed:

Or look on this well-weary excavator:

Or this oxygen plant, which is need the overhaul:

And You can see the images of KrAZ-255, which show not factory-fresh, but very movable truck - note it's shabby painting and some worn parts. Also note it's wheels - they looks as semi-black and semi-green simultaneously:

Those images are from:
Happy modelling !
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