Wow...finally, what I've always hoped for is now a reality; I've never understood what the #*! Dragon was thinking when they released the UH-1D crew kit with only ONE XM-23 mount (the other being a bungee-chord type M-60).
Not two guns & mounts of the same kind, one for each door? Huh?
Back in 2008 I purchased the 'Cobra Company' XM-23 resin kit, but frankly there was so much flash to trim off, and I wound up whittling the barrels down to far, was a failure.
I then tried to scratch build 2 mounts of my own and, that's right, both were glorious failures too.
So...thank you Bravo-6 for doing TWO whole XM-23 systems and including BOTH in the same box! These will not be failures.