Quoted Text
Hi Chaz, congratulations for your figures: the german is really fantastic , a little fine dio,fhe gi usa om motorbike is interesting too considering his age.....but i orefer so much the two marines...i recognize the dead,is a wARRIORS israelian deadman, but could you desribe the two marines: they are a mix match of different piece or commercial figures??'Please describe me how you realized them!!!
Mario from Italy.
Hi Mario and thanks. The dead insurgent is a conversion from lots of different parts and plenty of putty. I know his head is a Hornet with putty beard and hair. One of his hands is from Verlinden. I have a hard time remembering exactly, I made him a few years ago. I modelled him to look like one of the hundreds of foreign fighters US forces killed there. Maybe a Saudi? Maybe a Yemeni? Maybe a Chechen? Wherever he came from, these Marines smoked him.
The US Marines are also conversions based on Masterbox, Dragon, Hornet, etc., parts, converted to appear like 2004 US Marines in Fallujah.
I literally looked at a couple hundred pictures to get these guys the look I wanted. Sometimes the research you do on a project is the most interesting part of it. Ask me about the 1956 Budapest uprising?

Maybe I'll post some pics of that project later.