Anyways, the big goal of this is to nail the leather jackets/trousers the SS tankers wore, but also just to have fun painting some A+ figures.
Right now, this is what we're dealing with:
I love how his face came out, but I'm almost sickened by how blotchy the light green on his Oak Leaf came out. That will not do.
That guy! Painting under the brim of the hat sucked, a lot, but I liked that head better than the other one. He's got a few strands of hair coming down his forehead, I've just got to paint those now.
These two, both with head wounds. I tried a technique I saw Calvin Tan used on the gentleman on the right, that is, using unusual colors in skin tones to help reflect the environment, tone, theme, etc. So I used Prussian blue in the shadows, and obviously it came out far too dark, which will be altered of course. Aside from that faux pas, I'm happy with the shadows/highlights, except that all my figures seem to look very well tanned in that lighting. I'm going to try somewhere else in the house to see if that changes anything.
Finally, this guy.
His face has been painted, but I haven't got a photo yet. I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be Wittmann, so I'll paint him and use it as an excuse to build my Tiger I

And lastly, again contradicting the title, is this Hohenstaufen member. My first real attempt at Italian camo.
Sorry for such a blurry picture, that was just a happy snap before stopped painting. His Oak Leaf is painted differently than the NCO at the top of this post. I've never painted it the same way twice, still trying to find a good medium for it.
Lastly, any tips for painting black leather before I embark on that holiest of crusades? Anything helps haha
Thanks for looking! More to come.