Very nice pair of Figures. Female IDF Figures are rarely seen.These are nice done and very usefull.I dontīt know really the time frame because i am not an expert for IDF Military. What i can see is that the femal soldier is holding an Galil rifle with folding stock which is also used until today. The Galil was mostly used by mechanized and armored units, where its folding stock made it easier to store in vehicles. So this would fit for this release. In 2001 also the Tavor bullpup assault rifle was in Service. I would 100% say it is not for the six-day war because of the Uniforms, tank helmet and Galil. Perhaps they would work for the the 80īs until 90īs.
Please more Info from Hobby Fan or any IDF expert here.
PS: This Figure is also new and an nice addition:
HF728 M60A1 Tank Commander (1 figure)