Heya, Randy,
Just got my Value Base #6 (Incline Base) in the mail this week and wanted to thank you for the fast-shipping, quality product, and the extras that you threw in (walls and rubble).
It is an excellent value for the money and the inclined base itself is a great idea. I'm trying to finish a couple of builds for the Valley Con show next weekend and it will be a huge help!

I could never have come up with such a quality base in the short amount of time, so it is not only a quality piece, but also a great time saver (and sanity saver --- ask my family!

Will definitely be back at some point for the 3-story Apartment Building, Brick Ruins, and most definitely more of the Value Bases (keep those coming!!) in the future.
Thanks for the excellent service and fine product, Randy!
With Regards and Aloha,
Johnny B.
PS I have no connection or affiliation with Dioramas Plus or Randy --- just a satisfied customer looking ta spread the word about a cool purchase!