Now, following on from my new years resolution....
A very simple adaption of a figure from the DML Korsun Pocket set. This one in fact...

Now, I wanted to do this one as much "Out of the box" as possible so, the only additions were a Hornet head and a different map case (I always thought the Gen2 one was too small).
I decided to depict him as a NCO of the Totenkopf division in the defence of Vienna just before the final capitulation so, just a very few modifications...

The fur lapels were reworked, along with a few other detail bits. Most of the figure was rescribed to enhance the detail. The seams on the sheepskin jacket were done by using a trianguar file to remove the kit seams, then filling with putty and impressing new seams with a sharp blade.
Now, as the kit pose has him holding a MP40, I thought a Stg44 would be more appropriate for the time period so, this was changed. However, there was a gap at the left wrist. Thankfully, a bit of research showed that the German army issued wrist warmers. Just the thing to cover up embarrassing gaps...

The fence was scratchbuilt from styrene strip and the groundwork is sand mixed with a bit of cat litter over a Milliput core. The Stg44 sling is still to be made from lead foil.

Overall, a pretty quick build but, the alterations make it very different from the original kit. Painting to follow soon.....
All the best,