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Come on dragon admit it you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now!
HEAR, HEAR!!! While they're at it, they should change their company name as well. It's GREAT for the WWII German fans, but a TOTAL WASTE on US/ALLIED enthusiasts.
"Why, oh why did DRAGON ever drop the 1/35 M3-series Medium Lee/Grant "FUTURE RELEASE" that they teased us with a few years back?"
I know some of you guys are going to say, "What's wrong with ACADEMY's M3?" A new, state-of-the-art M3 is quite in order- I don't need to go into specifics. Ditto, an entirely new M3-series Light "Stuart". ACADEMY's "Stuart" kits have a few issues, especially the road-wheels' spokes- AFV CLUB makes a great "fix", with their AF35056 M3/M5/M8 Suspension kit, which captures the "look" of the "Light" VVSS suspension VERY nicely...
We could also use an entirely new M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage- I can't fathom that ridiculously-wrong old TAMIYA thing having survived for so long, or the wisdom (?) in AFV CLUB's decision to drop the M8, after showing it as a "FUTURE" item FOR MONTHS! That disappointed me and A LOT of fellow US/ALLIED fans... For that matter, we could also use a new "state-of-the-art" M8/M20 6x6 Armored Car and a new M18 "Hellcat", as well...
OK, I concede that the "Last 31" StuG IIIF is a valid subject- IMO, We could EASILY have had the bases covered with just 3 major variants of the StuG III, and 3 Pz.IIIs following the Ausf.E. It took MINIART to give us something different with their Pz.III Ausf.B thru D. While MINIART is at it, They could have given us an Ausf.A (5 large road-wheels) instead of one of the B thru Ds...
Too many versions of the same thing with DRAGON's Panthers, Tiger Is and Tiger IIs. IMO, DRAGON could have MUCH BETTER served us all by getting the much-clamored for "BERGEPANTHER" and possibly a "BERGETIGER I" into production.