Quoted Text
Stephen all of the decals are shown in the review, I have supplied the detail on what they are supposed to represent.
Some discrepancies I noticed in decal identification:
US Army, B Company, 8th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion, 68th Armor, 1988 West Germany
In 1988, 3/68 Armor did not exist as a unit in Germany, the 8th Infantry Division or the US Army. 3/68 Armor "Pacesetter Battalion" reflagged to 5/77 Armor "Steel Tiger Battalion" late 1983/early 1984 until the unit turned in M60A3TTS tanks the summer of 1989. I served in 5/77 Armor from 1987 to 1990. 3/68 Armor was one of the battalions that never came back from the dead during the massive Combat Arms Regimental System reflagging movement of the 1980s.
US Army, B Company, 1st Armored Division, 1st Battalion, 1st Cavalry, 1991 West Germany
This one has has various errors. The unit markings would be B Troop, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment. It is a divisional cavalry squadron and not a battalion. The year is also incorrect. In 1991, all front line USAREUR armor units were equipped with the M1A1 Abrams. The only unit in Germany to still use the M60A3 was the OPFOR at the CMTC in Hohenfels.
The last two operational units to field the M60A3 in Europe were A Company, 5/77 Armor (my old unit) and F Company, 40th Armor (the tank company belonging to the Berlin Brigade). Both units went through transition to the M1A1 the summer of 1989, July-August timeframe.