These colors were harder to match than I originally thought. I tried to compare them to my trusty FS-595a color standard and could only get close approximations. Part of the problem is the fact the jacket, while clean (not it's native condition) is well worn and somewhat faded. The dark green comes closest to FS34092; Model Master Euro Dark Green. The brown is pretty close to FS30099; or Model Master Raw Umber. The black is black (que-in Vietnam era song by Los Bravos); the best modeling match is Tamiya NATO black, which has a definite gray tint. The pale green was the hardest to match, up close it has a very very slight yellow tint, but not really close to any of the yellow greens I've got reference to. For an FS match FS34258 is the best of a bad lot, of my paint matches Poly S RLM 62 was the closest, it has a slight yellowish hew that doesn't match any of my other references for that color, but it might work for this. This is a shot of the camo pattern next to the standard jungle utility jacket.

A close-up of the standard jacket.

Fresh out of the box these have a definite olive drab hue similar to the normal stateside utilities.

These would fade very rapidly to the more field gray tone shown here. The best color match for this is FS34159, or Model Master SAC Bomber Green. For the standard utility/fatigue shirt or a brand new jungle utility a best guess would be; FS34097, or Model Master Field Green. All shots are taken in outside natural light, not in direct sunlight. Next is a couple of shots comparing the color of some of the normal misc. equipment carried compared to the uniform color.

Under normal field conditions all of this would be much grungier, to the point where the camo pattern would be somewhat discernable but everything would have a slightly liverish tone. The name strip over the right pocket on the camo jacket is non-standard, (the Marines don't do patches) this was something we did at the platoon level (26th Marines Regimental Scout Snipers) but nobody ladyed about it at the time. (late '69-early '70) The following link should be to a You Tube video of a compilation of stills from guys in the platoon during 1968-1969 to show what this stuff looked like at the time.
Hope somebody can put this info to some good use.