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...was this actually sprayed on or brushed on in reality at this early stage in the war? Were the edges of the camouflage pattern hard and defined or soft and indistinct or both depending on the time and place of application? Any ideas or references?
Christian, I believe that this type of camouflage was applied at the factory and was sprayed on, and although not masked, the edge is quite tightly defined. There's some nice photos of a SdKfz263 (8rad) in the Panzer Tracts book 13-2, showing a brand new vehicle at the factory with this pattern.
Biggles, the tank looks neatly done, and I think the camo is as per the illustration on the box art? Not sure myself if the photos are too dark - it's this thing of photographing dark grey vehicles, it's just not that easy in fact, brightening things up can give a false impression of the darkness of the real colour. Personally I think it's one reason why you don't see too many grey vehicles in the modelling technique books.
On the photo, I would say that one thing that makes it quite hard to see is the depth of field is shallow, so that not all of the model is in focus.
Overall, I like it, the dirt coming out of the chutes is well done as are the tools and details, and the streaking on the body. The rust on the exhaust does look very bright, and also just slightly wonder about the way that the tyres look very much the same colour as the rest of the vehicle.

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