Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 04, 2017 - 08:28 PM UTC
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Looking Good Jerry, I always look forward towards your builds. I might just be a lurker but I do enjoy watching them and seeing where they go.
Thanks buddy. Lurkers are also cool! And welcome.
I do like when people post though,because it is such a solitary hobby and human contact is never a bad thing. Well,maybe almost never ! LoL,
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 04, 2017 - 09:54 PM UTC
Really appreciate the SBS on this one, showing the subtle repositioning, the gear upgrades etc.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 05:41 AM UTC
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Really appreciate the SBS on this one, showing the subtle repositioning, the gear upgrades etc.
Thanks Paul,here is the PE set I always use. Very versatile and has uses for things other than german troops as well.

I bought a set of LIVE RESIN German helmets and liners. They're wonderful and are the only ones I have seen with the rolled edge at the bottom.
Here is a comparison between the Live resin and the Dragon on the bottom pic.

The liners

And this is a fantastic set as well.

Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 06:14 AM UTC
Ok Jerry, you're doing the usual, smokin up the killer dios!! I didn't catch this until you were a few pages in, but Wow Bro, that casualty has the look of "he knows he's gonna die". Excellent execution in detail.
I got his puppy bookmarked; though they never seem to work for me here for some reason, but at any rate, I'll be keepin tabs on this beauty!
Ruck On Ma Brotha, Ruck On! Ski.
P.S. The Bunker has been powered down for the summer, so I'll be back at the brush in the fall, waaaaaaaaa...... I hate it when the snow melts, HA!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 07:26 AM UTC
The bowed head and slumped shoulders of the NCO really portrays the sense of weariness in the old veteran very well, especially when viewed from behind. Not just physical, but the emotional and psychological toll of years of hard combat, loss of many comrades, senseless destruction, and perhaps the realization that it was all for a lost cause. The expression on his face only adds to the overall sense of fatigue.
"No plan survives contact with the enemy." Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 06:21 PM UTC
Thanks guys,I really appreciate the great comments. Looking at this stuff from a detached view,it seems like a lot of work to put into just a few figs and some may wonder (myself included) why I do this. I suppose it just seems like the figs get to give off way more emotion that a static vehicle does? Drama? Something like that. Although,a very well done and weathered vehicle can also tell a story,just with the wear and damage,etc.
Thanks for checking in guys,
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 06:47 PM UTC
Like Shep Paine you have a real eye for composition, the element that I feel is key to telling a great story. You have the ability to take the individual elements and put them together in such a way that they tell a story in a dramatic fashion, rather than a simple scene that may convey a story but lacks the dynamic element that evokes some emotion. This is not something that all modelers have even if they are good builders etc.
"No plan survives contact with the enemy." Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
Nebraska, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 05, 2017 - 07:34 PM UTC
Learning from the MASTER
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 - 05:02 AM UTC
Hey Jerry,
I am really liking this NCO figure. You got the "feeling" down to a science. The way you depicted the weight of the equipment he is carrying in his hand is spot on. I always enjoy looking at your work. I might not comment on it each time I look at your various projects, but I am inspired by your excellent work and ability to convey the stories you are telling in your dioramas.
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 - 06:07 AM UTC
Everything seems to be done right on this fella. I particularly like the sit of the first helmet. I don't know, the down angle of it makes him appear all the more beaten down and contributes to the somber atmosphere.
I'm doin' stuff. Lotta stuff.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 - 05:14 AM UTC
armorsmith,Dan,Jim and Connor !!
Thanks fellas for havin a look-see here and for the very generous comments ! I know everyone has busy lives and it isn't always a good time to comment but I appreciate it when you do !
Connor I was going more towards the long grinding slog kind of feel with this guy and not dejection. If you got close to someone like a replacement you would always feel the loss more keenly so the old timers tried to compartmentalize.
Here is my squad leader finished.

I think my assembly/posing/detailing skills are out pacing my painting skills. But...I am trying...and learning...and forgetting ! LoL
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 - 09:59 AM UTC
Jerry, just de-lurking to say this is yet another of your live ones - I can’t believe how you get that look in his eye, but it’s 101% nailed, as is the whole figure. Exceptional. Just one thing – what’s that under his helmet on the right? Looks like…grey hairs? a cobweb??
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 - 03:14 PM UTC
Beautiful work Jerry , outstanding build and paint up !!!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 - 06:25 PM UTC
Tim and Cheyenne,
Thanks guys for the kind words and for checking in !
Tim,that is actually hair. The pic didn't show it well as the face is pointed down and not lit from below. When I tint the cotton,if there are individual strands showing,in certain light they look gray because the stain is not too dark to begin with.
There are limitations to that technique.
Maine, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 08, 2017 - 05:55 PM UTC
This dude is clearly tired of his troops getting killed and maimed due to ignorance at higher level. What NCO wouldn't be? Another well done, Senor Maestro Kapitain
BUTA-Back Up, Try Again. -an Unemployed Professional Procrastinating Perfectionist
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 08, 2017 - 06:16 PM UTC
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This dude is clearly tired of his troops getting killed and maimed due to ignorance at higher level. What NCO wouldn't be? Another well done, Senor Maestro Kapitain
Thanks Phil,
Very nice of you to comment! Yes,the grunts are always where the rubber meets the road and are the ones that have to pay.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 04:34 AM UTC
Hi Jerry, I was just thumbing through Paul Carell's book 'Operation Barbarossa in
Photographs' and stumbled upon a photo (p 63) that is a perfect match for this vignette. If it wasn't your inspiration, it could be. Are you familiar with the book?
Paul Carell's Books on the German viewpoint of the war are great!
Airborne Infantry - All the way!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 05:11 AM UTC
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Hi Jerry, I was just thumbing through Paul Carell's book 'Operation Barbarossa in
Photographs' and stumbled upon a photo (p 63) that is a perfect match for this vignette. If it wasn't your inspiration, it could be. Are you familiar with the book?
Paul Carell's Books on the German viewpoint of the war are great!
Yes !! I have done a few dios and vignettes inspired by that exact book. Great book for sure. His book "Invasion,they are Coming" was the book that really got me interested in Normandy. He also has another one "Scorched Earth" that is great.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 06:26 AM UTC
Very cool. Can't forget Foxes of the desert and Hitler moves East (a.k.a Hitlers war on Russia). Very much like Cornelius Ryan and S.L.A. Marshal's books.
All highly recommended for every WW2 historian interested in the soldier's view of that war
Airborne Infantry - All the way!
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 06:25 PM UTC
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Very cool. Can't forget Foxes of the desert and Hitler moves East (a.k.a Hitlers war on Russia). Very much like Cornelius Ryan and S.L.A. Marshal's books.
All highly recommended for every WW2 historian interested in the soldier's view of that war
He does have a way of putting you in the foxhole. I like the history books much better when they have a lot of personal anecdotes from the participants.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 07:11 PM UTC
Excellent as usual. That one figure tells a whole story by himself. Well done.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 09:37 PM UTC
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Excellent as usual. That one figure tells a whole story by himself. Well done.
Thanks Chris !
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 10:55 PM UTC
Im struggling to find a UK supplier for the alliance modelworks set.But you've helped get my modelling mojo back on track. Now I just need to finish one dio before before starting another.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 11:24 PM UTC
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Im struggling to find a UK supplier for the alliance modelworks set.But you've helped get my modelling mojo back on track. Now I just need to finish one dio before before starting another.
Thanks Paul,
I can't be of any help there but I believe there are other companies that make a PE fret for infantry stuff as well ? Anybody ?
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 25, 2017 - 09:21 PM UTC I tried the "open new tab" approach and was able to make this happen. I couldn't show the pic but could only link the addy. Better than nothing I suppose but it sucks.
Anyway,the pic shows what little progress I have completed on this vignette. Got the basic terrain shape finished.