The golden years for Allied and Commonwealth modellers seem to continue and have branched out into a whole new range of WW1 items. A range of excellent artillery from Resicast, Mk IV Tanks from Tamiya and Takom, with the range and type growing steadily, French armour in the form of the St Chamond and Meng FT17s, even some new plastic artillery seems in the pipeline and even some Armourd Cars.
On the figures side things have improved too. New and re-poped items from Tamiya, some excellent sets from Master Box Ltd, ICM with a range of advancing infantry with more to come and excellent weapon sets. Several resin figures are also available form Stalingrad and D Day Miniatures.
So my question is what type of figures would you ilke to see to enhance your ideas?
My thoughts are:
British Artillery crew - A generic set of 6/8 in various types of dress/undress
British Medics, Stretch Bearers and a mixed group of walking wounded and some on stretchers carried and wheeled.
Wounded/Dead infantry
Pack Muels and Horses carrying stores and shells.
A 4/6 Team of horses and rider(s) to tow artilley
A Vickers MG Crew
Cooks and general labourers/work parties
I've focused on the British Commonwealth side of life but I am sure there are plenty of other wants!