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i sense a pattern. Miniart seems to foul up engine hatches on their major armor kits. First the Valentine and now this. Still gonna get one, have to see which one has the most interesting options.
I wonder how the up-coming BRONCO Pz.III Ausf.A will stack up against the MINIART early Pz.III's? The BRONCO kit will be UNIQUE among Pz.IIIs, as it was THE ONLY VERSION to incorporate 5 large-ish Road Wheels, with 4 main lightening holes, as opposed to the 6 Road Wheels of the Ausf.Es-Ausf.Ns, and the 8 small Road Wheels of the Ausf.B-Ausf.Ds...
Seeing the unfortunate mess that MINIART made of the Engine Decks of their Pz.IIIs arouses my curiosity as to how BRONCO handled the Engine Decks of their entry into the fray. I remember BRONCO's inaccurate Turret contained in the initial realease of their US M24 Chaffee. At least BRONCO made a "Correction" Turret, which modellers were able to obtain from BRONCO gratis, with proof of purchase. Subsequent releases include the corrected Turret. At least BRONCO MADE THE EFFORT...
Also interested in their take on the "MAXXPRO", which we have yet to see ONE YEAR after their announcement of this kit.
I will probably knuckle under and get one of the MINIART early Pz.IIIs, but I'm not sure which one, yet. That purchase will be contingent on the Engine Decks and related parts. Hopefully, MINIART will have corrected these parts in this new release of the Ausf.D... If not, the market is open for some enterprising after-market manufacturer(s) to take the bull by the horns and offer a "Corrections Kit" for us. I'm surprised that no one has risen to the task, at least, not to my knowledge, anyway...
Are you hearing me, TIGER MODELS?