I've run into a bit of a rut in regard to what to build for my next dio - but, I wanted to build something(s), so I did.
First up, the JCB HMEE, which is an armored backhoe,take a look:
Above is my version of the JCB HMEE - armored backhoe with slat armor too....the real version below:
I used some extra a HEMMT parts, but it's mostly evergreen and odds and ends:
I couldn't find many specific details about this, but, did see a video or two - from them you can see a high level of mobility - hmmm...well, like many tractors, I'm guessing the axles are mounted at central pivot points, but, they also seem to be four link - pretty cool for a tractor!
Kitbashing slat armor is less easy than it sounds!! but, clearly, its doable. Yes, lots of materials, but nothing too extravagant - or really all that hard to work with.
Although the subject is a bit out of the ordinary - I do like the results - and pretty fun to build!
This (above) is an Oshkosh L-ATV - I like its looks! I'm a big fan of the MATV, and maybe one of the few out there that likes building the panda version - so, as I have been waiting what seems like a long time for inspiration for another dio project, I also decided to build one of these.
This is one of three prototypes being considered to replace the HMMWV. There are promo pics around, but I couldn't find much else - I know it has the TAK 4 suspension, but I didn't model that - I've done that before, and while cool, it takes more time than I wanted to spend on this!
Version 1:
yeah...no...close, but not right! so, second try:
and finally, the direct comparisons:
you can see neither one is exactly right - getting the hood to work was a real challenge! the one on the left is closer...on the hood -
and there you have them! Once I finished the second version I had a few "ah ha!" moments, regarding how I could actually make a version that is closer to the real deal...uhh, yeah, good idea! nope - these are done!
As for the dio - after all this bashing, I decided I'd go back to a few GMVs and an M1083 - with lots of bashing for them too - and, set into a landscape and with a story - circa 2004....
OK, thanks for having a look!