ICM has announced two new sets of figures, Greek Evzones and Italian WW1 infantry.
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I don't want this thread to get side-tracked and I apologise if my tone was inappropriate.
I just feel it is unfair for a whole nation to be laughed at when the financial crisis is knocking on everyone's door. Unfortunately, we Greeks have played our part in this mess we are in.
On the subject now, the figures have a few issues in terms of accuracy
The officer's gun is a British Webley or Enfield 0.455. These came from the British Forces in North Africa, a lot later than the time of the Italian invasion. At the time, the Greek army had some French Nagants and some American 7.65 Ruby-Martians.
Biggest issue is with the rifles, where the kit includes Bulgarian Steyr-Mannlicher M 1895 8Χ50 and not Greek Mannlicher-Schonauer 6,5Χ54. The helmets are also off.
Below, you can see a Mannlicher-Schonauer 1930 and a Greek helmet of the specific period.
Photo posted for reference and discussion
Third greek soldier is carrying a Chauchat. Do keep in mind that the pictures of the figures in plastic are only tests from earlier this year and that the final result could very well be different. Both helmets and rifles might only be random placeholders for items that have not been made yet when the pictures were taken. The boxart itself might be a better indication perhaps since it would propably be more recent.
And secondly, what are those curly things on the Italian packs?
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