Based on the information I collected and posted on my website some years ago (and may likely have been used by Legend to create this set), I think Rick's review is a bit off base. picked up the C rations set at AMPS and I believe it is spot on in terms of size and markings.
It is clearly a wooden box, not the fiber box. The separate panels are clearly present, as is a subtle wood grain. It's not the typical out-of-scale gouges one typically sees on pieces that represent wood (think Tamiya "rations" box included with Sherman sets). Those gouges are an easy way to represent wood, to contrast it from a metal surface, and take a wash quite well. But by and large they are overdone for what they represent (grain, not crevices). Even what is present on the Legends pieces may be a tad much compared to their real counterparts.
Wood grain is more than texture, it's also coloring, as you can see in the color photos in my article. That's up to the modeler, of course, and is more difficult to accomplish than a quick and easy wash. Check out how aircraft painters do wood grain on biplanes for some tips.
I invite you to read my article and draw your own conclusions, but I would give this a 100% rating. I have no association with Legend other than being an occasional purchaser of their products.
PS: I also bought a set of Legend .50 cal ammo wooden boxes, which also are excellent. I really like the fact that Legend is issuing accurate markings with these accessories, which have been lacking in the few other attempts to cover these items (Verlinden's old ammo box set comes to mind).