From 2006 to 2011 french AMX30 AU-F1 TA were deployed to lebanon supporting the UNIFIL/FINUL mission. When HobbyBoss released their new AMX30 Au-F1 Kit No. 83834 I thought I could do a nice OOB build to get this model done.
After some research I found out that the Hobbyboss Kit is quite not accurate enough to represent a vehicle deployed to lebanon (the "TA" version of the AMX30 Au-F1 was used there).
Especially the lower hull has some important differences, because the hull from the AMX30 B2 was used for the TA-version. So I decided to use the lower hull from the Meng AMX30 B2 Kit. This one has the correct front layout and the correct layout of jerrycans and infanteryp-hone on the backside. Thus I have to do some other modifications to the hull which I will mention in the build blog. In this french forum you find a lot of in depht information to build a correct model of the diffrent AU-F1 versions
To point out some differences (details I can't use on the TA-version marked with red X) ... on the left side the HobbyBoss hull and on the right side the meng hull:

(Images source: On the HobbyBoss front hull: wrong hatches, wrong armoured headlights, wrong fire extinguisher postions, wrong hull shape, missing step for the driver etc.

(Images source: On the HobbyBoss hull: wrong jerrycan positions, wrong infantery phone position, missing lights, wrong shape of the cover above the exhaust silencer etc.
Now you can see why the Meng hull is my favorite choice-
For my build I will also use a turned metal barrel from RBModel (No. 35B129), AMX 30 whitemetal tracks from Friul (ATL-144), AMX30 B2 PESet from Voyager (PE 35730) and crew figures from Blast Models.
So I started with the Meng hull.
Take care to use the right sprocket for the duck-style-type track (Firul ATL-144)! You need part A47 and A50. They are on the spure but not mentioned in the instructions.

I had also the AMX-30B2 workable plastic tracks from HobbyBoss available, but I went for the Friul metal tracks.

Both fitting good around the Meng sprocket.
HobbyBoss track:

Friul track:

The HobbyBoss tracks are "clickable" but very fragile ... the Friul tracks are a lot more stable and robust for my weathering treatment ;-).

Copsticks from an asia fast food restaurant can help you assembling the tricky duck-bill end connectors of the amx30 tracks. I made a litte jig and the alignment, drilling and glueing was a lot easier.

Be careful not to cut into the duck bill ends when cutting of the wire ;-)

Securing with a drop of CA glue.

After assembling the tracks I glued all the roadwheels and cut some pieces from the rubber to achieve a more worn look.

The Meng chassis and suspension is nice detailed and also fitted with some kind of working torsion bar suspension. Easy to fit in any diorama groundwork.

But I was a little bit concerned about the stability .....

... so I glued a strip of evergreen over the torsion bars for safety reason ;-)

I used the Hobbyboss part for the bilge pume box and added some cover on the underside.
Take a look at the underside of the hull ... stunning oops-video:

Bild Quelle: User: zurich2rd Album Au F1 40RA

After quite some hours the tracks and undercarriage is finished and the track tension looks quite ok.

Next step is to kitbash the Meng AMX30 B2 hull and the Hobbyboss AMX30 Au-F1 turret.
I cut off the swivel from the Meng AMX30B2 turret and glued it into the turret underside of the Hobbyboss turret.

yep ... now it fits ;-)

The AMX30 Au-F1 TA version is fitted with an additional elevation ring, thus the turret underside doesn't scratch over the AMX30B2 engine deck.
To achieve this in my model I glued evergreen strips in circular shape.

Yep, looks good ... no scratching on the engine deck ...

Here you can see the elevation ring on the original TA version in the background:

(c) Image in the background from Julie Ludmann from
In the next update we will tackle some more details on the hull.
Happy modelling