Meng’s IDF Infantry set (2000-) arrived today, and to date, I’ve not seen any reviews of this on the web, so here is a review of sorts:
Firstly the surprises: Each figure has its own sprue, and each sprue has a lot of vacant real estate on it, Meng could learn from Dragon on this; the amount of flash present on each figure, think 80s Academy figures; each figure is broken down into several parts (head, torso, two legs, two arms, some have individual hands, and the mitznefet – which is nicely done), and finally, mould lines in the figures. Not a big deal in itself, just wasn’t expecting to see them there.
The tavors are well done, and the end of the 40mm grenade launcher is slightly hollow. Each figure has a back-pack, and numerous small pouches to attach, making for a busy figure that is nicely detailed.
Being multi-part affairs allows for easy customisation of each figure. The figures are well detailed in that pockets, buckles, and straps are represented, if a little soft. The clothing has folds and creases where there should be folds and creases.
The plastic, I would describe as shiny and soft, if that makes sense.
Overall, I’d compare these to 80s Academy figures.