I think I'll take one of those Horch radio-car kits, please!
The s.WS Uhu has to be a rebox of the GWH effort... It cannot rationally be anything else! There could be no realistic reason for it to appear in the Bronco line-up unless it were a rebox! The entire thing is complete fiction - no such "duck" was ever even dreamed of, apparently - let alone ever built. See Terry Ashley's comment on the GWH kit on PMMS - and of course related discussion elsewhere, too. So... Not even a "legit" "paper panzer"! But I'll bet that it IS a cool kit!
By me, the original Bronco beute A13 kit was pretty cool, if a bit of a technical wrestle, etc. I managed to build it, anyway - although I simply did not know what technical errors abounded! Maybe this new kit has some or many of the apparent errors corrected... But I've already spent my model bucks down the A13 path, so... The included UE trailer was possibly towed by one of those "command tanks" during Barbarossa... Clearly, now that Bronco has tooled that up - it comes in that Bronco Flammpanzer II kit - it could be showing up wherever a small, ex-French tracked trailer "wants to be"! Maybe Bronco will see fit to release it as a stand-alone kit...

I'd buy a couple!