I have now coated my entire model with primer; for those who wonder, I previously used vallejo without much success and switched to the grey primer from AK which is really top notch. Applying primer shows all the little flaws which are more numerous than I thought. By flaws I'm talking about tiny spots of glue that can be seen around small parts like 0.5mm-ish bolts and nuts, small scratches from using fine sand paper, and plastic that needed to be sanded off a million time on the model that leaved a small edge on a smooth surface, depending of the angle you look at the model.
Now that I started painting, I tried to correct most of them but I just can't go back and will have to deal with it. Do these kind of things tend to attenuate after applying several coats of paint ? (base coat, camo colours and varnish). I added more than 100 bolts on my model and didn't thought that glue could've been that much visible after applying the primer