Last night I started airburshing the model. I started painting with tamiya Flat Earth XF-52 with a little black mixed in.
Painted the bottom hull, side lower areas and the other parts that are to stay shaded with this mixture.
By the way this model is also a test model for my new iwata TRN-1 airbrush. Ive been using an iwata hp-ch for some years, but has always disliked the conventional plunger at the top. After 15-20 minutes of using the airbrush I always end up loosing feeling of my index finger.
So Ive decided to give the trn-1 trigger airbrush a try. Although it seems like a single action type, actually it's a double action device.

Ive thought this might not be as good as the hp-ch, however I was wrong. Although trn-1 is a much cheaper than my original one, I think I am quite fond of this trigger action. So I recommend it to everyone especially new to airbrushing. Trigger action is much more natural to get used to.
Anyway, after finishing the base coat, Ive started to gradually apply lighter coats with the base color plus XF-57 buff and xf-55 deck tan on the middle of the hull plates.
This is the result as of this point:

How do you like it so far??