I moved the M-16 to a better place - more handy to the map figure. This track is modeled from a real vehicle from the thunder run of April 5, 2001. Photos and descriptions were used from the crew. Two pics appear of the right side of this vehicle in one of the Concord books about OIF1.
This was the S-3 track and so carried the QEAM antenna on the right side. Pete Becerra helped immensely with the details and description. I scratched it and then covered up all of that work with the AFV Club camo net! But that is what the real vehicle did, so... I tried to leave some it showing - like the did in real life anyway. I may go back over the net and highlight to make it pop.
Because of the antenna, the crew could not mount the ACAV front shield on the .50 since it did not have the clearance. Also, they could only use one of the rear MG shields for the ACAV kit. I got that from Eduard.
Spent links for the .50 are from Live Resin. I wanted to show spent links and shells from the M240 as well and of course these had to be smaller. The shells were no problem - just smaller Evergreen stock. But what to do about the links? I decided they are so small that the detail was not important - just the depiction. So, with the many, many tiny grab handles on the Eduard PE set I decided to try and roll them in my fingers and see what shape they would take, and I found they rolled up nicely for the job.
The figures were outfitted just the way the crew was that day as well. The new gear issued to the soldiers for OIF1 was a head scratcher for some, so many times they used civilian gear, or pouches were stuffed with other things that were not meant for the pouch to begin with. I added pens and a flashlight, and black zip ties like the real guys had stuffed into the straps and a lefty holster for the TC. Tough to see once in the hatches but the real crew will see the detail when they see the model.
The updated model with a few detail pics tossed in.