The kit went together very easily, been a typical Tamiya ‘make and bake’ and was completed quite leisurely over a weekend. The fun part was the painting and rusting of the model. I used the Vallejo Model Air Set 8 - Rust & Chipping Effects for creating the rust and followed the instructions on the back, layering up the rust levels in different places on the model. This was left for 24hrs for the true colours to reveal themselves, then a coat of Vallejo chipping medium was airbrushed over the model followed by Tamiya X-57 J.N grey and once dry was chipped away with a scouring pad and tooth pick. Further rusting was added in highlight passes followed by a pin wash of AK Streaking grime and oil spills. Final painting was adding some steal to the blade and edges. Groundwork is a piece of Migs autumn steppe suitably weathered with oil spills and engine grime from AK. And all fixed to a display plinth.
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
The End Is Nigh by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr