Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
Mitches Models 1/9th Lt. Edward Macdonald
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
Joined: May 16, 2014
KitMaker: 91 posts
Armorama: 90 posts
Posted: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 - 03:30 PM UTC
This is the Mitches Models 1/9th bust of Lt. Edward Macdonald, Special Air Service as serving in the western desert of World War II. The bust comes in 2 parts, the head and the torso, there are two large plugs to remove before painting can commence, once removed the parts were washed in soapy water and left to air dry. The head was mounted separate to the torso to aid in painting both items. I started first on the head and the Keffiyeh and Agel Ribbon. Breaking this further down to the face and the headgear. The face was painted using Vallejo acrylics building up the highlights and shadows using very diluted washes, as was the beard. The headgear followed the same technique, base coat, shadows followed by highlights and a coat of Ultimate washes light sand.
The Torso was base coated in Vallejo’s Iraq Sand and again shadows and highlights applied with washes building up the effect little by little, outlining with Ultimate Washes dark wash product, the head was attached to the torso and the whole piece has received a coat of matt varnish. Just waiting for the base to arrive so he can be attached along with a SAS cap badge to round things off.

LT. EDWARD MACDONALD by Steve Brodie, on Flickr

LT. EDWARD MACDONALD by Steve Brodie, on Flickr

LT. EDWARD MACDONALD by Steve Brodie, on Flickr

LT. EDWARD MACDONALD by Steve Brodie, on Flickr

LT. EDWARD MACDONALD by Steve Brodie, on Flickr