The figure arrived in a well packed box, with a photo of the completed item on the front, the figure is broken down into 7 parts, once cleaned up the head body and arms were mounted separately and had a base coat of Vallejo primer sprayed on, following my usual method, the face was built up in layers with the highlights and shadows coming from various washes building up the effect as I went, this is the same method that was used for his hat, finishing with an overall dark wash to blend things in and also take away some of the shine from the buckles. The right hand broke away from the arm, and after a quick email to Tommy's Figures and a new arm along with a rifle were dispatched ( this is the last part I need to paint), The body was base coated in AK3081 the shadows were added, by mixing in AK3083 building up to the final shadow, same method With the highlights mixing in AK3082 with the base colour to get the highlights. He is now awaiting a base to arrive and will then be mounted.
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr
Tommys Figure 1/32 sergeant-suffolk-regiment-le-cateau-1914 by
Steve Brodie, on Flickr