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I have seen a photo of tracks mounted a like I have them, as they are not the rubber block type.
The track are different than what is on the tank itself? What's on the tank are WE210 rubber block track, However, if they are steel track than they can be welded as shown, yes. It was unusual, but possible.
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I followed the instructions and photo references for the placement of the divisional markings.
Well, the red-white-red isn't a divisional marking, it's an overall armoured force marking in use in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. There are no divisional markings visible at all, actually, which is fine. The markings on the front fenders are shipping markings for the landings, I do believe. Still, if the red-white-red is shown on the fender in the instructions, you've built it the way they said, even if what they said was incorrect. I've never seen nor heard of that marking on a fender.