I guess that on many German made Hungarian vehicles this octagonal ensign was simply made by "completing" the Balkenkreuz. Later the Hungarian ground forces used a white cross on a black square (same as the air force). As far as I know Hungarian made vehicles (Nimród, ZrÃnyi, Turán, Toldi, Botond truck) were never used by the German army, Hungarian industry was busy enough to produce them for our own armed forces. Some of them were captured and used by the Soviets (they attached them to mountain units- on the narrow mountain roads the smaller Hungarian tanks were better than the large Soviet vehicles, dont know if they had Csaba too). Nice to see the Csaba in plastic (I made one from the resin kit of Minimanfactory), there was a radio car version with a big antenna (like the one on SdKfz 232), hope they release it too.