Hello guys, I want to ask a -maybe silly- question but important for me about building a WWII German Panther Ausf.G released by Dragon with kit serial number 9046. The kit come out nicely but no interior details available at all for the turret. I already keep in my mind about some opinions come from several fellow modelers that told to not install the hatch door in opened position if no interior details available, because the inside condition of the turret will be exposed and the view will be illogical, of course! (any operating tanks move into a battle without periscope, ammo, gun rack, etc etc..???

Since I have a plan to install such tank into a vignette or diorama in the future with "into-a-battle/combat" theme and not intend to install the hatch door in closed position (if I could), is it okay and logical enough to place a commander figure (most likely pose, his head or torso exposed)... in order to cover "nothing-to-be-looked" condition inside the turret..?
I'm so sorry for my English and hope you guys can understand what I mean eventually
Kind regards from Indonesia
