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Any time I see someone using the phrase "professional" in their marketing, I always think of the day I saw a truck that said "Professional Elevator Repair". I thought to myself "Now, who would want amateur elevator repair? Isn't the professional part a given when it comes to elevator repairs?"
I dunno, what if the elevator repairmen are Moe, Larry, and Curly..?

"Professional" can be interpreted in a lot of ways-
I once saw a Coke machine with a hand-printed sign taped to it:
"Fixed so far by Floyd"...
Make of that what you will...
I think the implication of the "Professional Diorama Base" legend is meant to convey that these new (and very nice, BTW) diorama bases will allow modellers to provide bases of "professional" quality to display their models upon- That is, of course, also dependent upon the modellers' acquired skills in actually finishing them to "professional"-type quality...
We ALL know that things can rapidly go "SOUTH" once the package is opened!!!