returning to the modelling scene with a large stash ready to be worked on! Currently in possession of the Iwata HP-B+ and a Badger LG-100.
The 100 has a few battle scars and I'd like to upgrade it to the following Iwata series
- HP-CS eclipse
- HP-CR revolution
What would you recommend? This is for general purpose like base coating and even tri-tone camouflage. I spray both vallejo and tamiya.
Also I use to run my badger on this huge air compressor.. I would love to see those horrid days end for a nice small desk worthy compressor. Recommendations?
I've seen the people recommend:
- Oilless Pancake Air Compressor
- iwata power jet lite (despite being more than the price of both airbrushes I inquire about together...)
Looking forward to your replies, and greatly appreciated.