Hi Anthony,
You right, I uploaded the table in a rush not explaining what shall be the objective of it..
I wanted to create a summary of the characteristics of the paint available for modelers. Clarifying some misconception, like all acrylic paints are water based, or non toxic. This table shall be a summary what I have found in various articles and comments. Not being a expert in paint chemistry, the information might need to be adjusted and in some areas deeper explanation is needed.
Some background about paints:
The components of a paint
1./ Pigments. In simply terms this is the color. Source of pigments could be clay, talc, silica, Zinc oxide etc
2./ Binder. The essential part of any paint, bind pigments together. A binder without a pigment is a varnish. The classification of the paint refers to the type of binder used. Acrylic resin, linsed oil, Polyurethane resin are the ones widely used in model paints.
3./ Solvent. The binder and pigment paste requires some liquid to have the desired consistency. Typical solvents are Petroleum based /mineral spirits/, Turpentine, Water, Alcohol, Cellulose /Lacquer/
4./ Other ingredients, like retarder, glaze medium etc
An example of the complexity: Vallejo paints and Tamiya Acrylic range both having Acrylic polymer resin as a binder. Therefore both of them advertised as an acrylic. But the Binder is dissolved in water concerning Vallejo paints, while Tamiya is using alcohol for solvent. To make it even more complicated Acrylic resin is a general name of any plastic resin, having many variations and different types. The Acrylic resin used by Tamiya /and Gunze/ is a versatile one, working well with Alcohol based solvents and with Lacquer solvents /like Mr Color Leveling thinner/ as well.